Your life is precious;

Happiness is not something that you have, it’s something that you do.
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Do you want a happier life? A more satisfying life? A life that you can be proud of?
Happiness is not something that you have ; it’s something that you do . Your happiness is fluid and changeable, and it has a lot to do with your own attitudes, thoughts, and actions, and less to do with your circumstances and history than you might imagine.
You’ll find resources and options here to improve your relationships, work, and personal integrity and happiness. There are articles and free suggestions that are available by signing in; there are books and other products that can help you to live a happier life, I offer speaking and workshops, personal life coaching, and coaching for business teams to further excellence, positive engagement and well being.
Whatever your circumstances and interests, I’m happy that you’ve come to visit. I hope that what you find here gives you something useful. Ultimately, I hope that whatever your situation may be, you can appreciate your life and treasure it for the gift that it is, and with kindness and courage take some of the bold steps that make for a life well lived.